Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am 33 weeks and unfortunately I am already counting down the days until this baby comes out. It's not just that I am so uncomfortable and tired of being sick, but I am also just so ready to meet this little girl. Every mother keeps telling me to enjoy this time we have before the baby, but both of us are just so anxious, we watch her move around in my stomach all day and plan for her arrival and now all we can do it wait. I go to the doctor every two weeks now and so far, despite some abnormal blood work which will be figured out this week, everything seems to be going great. I had a great maternity photo shoot with the super talented Amber yesterday, those pictures will be coming soon, but for now here's a belly shot to hold you over. I'm getting huge!


  1. like the new set up but kind of miss that bike pic!
    you are not huge and she will come when she is "done"!

  2. So excited to meet her too! Can't wait to see this beautiful girl!!! I also am excited about the pics!!! And, I second your mom, you are not huge!

  3. We are so happy for you guys! We can't wait to see her. Even if it's not in person for a bit, we'd love to see plenty of pictures of her.(hint, hint) ;) We love you guys! I too agree with your mom, you are not huge!

  4. aw your little bump is so cute! looking forward to the pictures!
