Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

 We had a very busy and eventful year....

 We surfed.....Scotty surfed ALOT
 We danced......and Scotty took his shirt off ALOT
 We got married, going on six months....feels like several years (in a good way)
 We went to Mexico and Scotty held a tiger, the highlight of his year
We went to San Diego...three times

Scotty did an internship at Quiksilver, it was awesome and he loved it

 And Kiley got foot surgery...a good end to a great summer (sorry about the blood)

We saw some great sunsets, had good times with great friends, worked hard and studied hard. School took up a lot of time and caused a lot of stress, but we managed to survive and are ready to tackle our last semester EVER at BYU Hawaii. We have no idea what we are going to do in 2011, there will be lots of new adventures and probably a lot of new challenges but we can't wait to see what comes. 


  1. love your post, it's always good to look back. i can't wait to see what comes in 2011 either!!!

  2. hi scotty and kiley! Your blog is so cute! so glad I found you!

  3. i liked your post missssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you!!i find that also when i make plans they never work out just go with the flow'll know what to do... its probably gonna be moving in are apt complex in utah!
