This is a topic that we go back and forth with everyday. Literally, one day we think we're for sure moving to California, and the next we think we could never leave Hawaii. There are pros and cons to both of course and lately I have been thinking California is probably the best option, especially since there is a job waiting for Scotty in Huntington Beach. But then I have days when it occurs to me that if we move it will be in less than 3 months. 3 months left in my beautiful home. California is beautiful too but obviously in different ways. Hawaii is such a part of who I am, who me and Scotty are as a couple. I know in this economy it would be ridiculous to pass up a good job but who wants to leave this....

We do have a little time to make a decision, but we graduate in December and we will need to have some things figured out before then. Our lives seem to be going in fast forward all of the sudden and once school starts next week it will go even faster. What to do??

i vote hawaii:) JK i know you guys will make the right choice for you and you don't have to stay anywhere forever! it's ok i will just be a plane ride away:)
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what to tell you. I know that the job thing is really hard. So if you can find a job in Hawaii and stay there, I say go for it. If not, you can always move to CA (which isn't a bad place to live: ) and then continuing looking for jobs in Hawaii until something comes up. I know it is tough, but anything is better than MO! :)
ReplyDeleteleaving Hawaii is hard, but I have come to realize that it will always be there. At least California has a beach... and is on the same ocean.
ReplyDeleteOh I so remember facing the same decision was heart wrenching, and honestly, we still aren't sure we made the right choice. I know that doesn't help much, but whatever you do...don't be like me and Garrett...with one foot in Hawaii and one foot in Utah....The regret is killing us!!!
oooh, hard one ki ={
ReplyDeletethe economy is so horrible right now that you should probably make the move if theres a job waiting, but i know how hard that decision must be! change is hard, but hawaii will always be here and when the time is right and opportunity presents itself, you can move back!
good luck with your decision!