So I have been in bed all day sick. It always happens to me when the semester starts and ends. Ironically its a great day to be cozy in bed, its been rainy and cold all morning so I have enjoyed being warm in the blankets. I have a really bad immune system, and one day when I'm out of college I will fix that! When we can afford good vitamins, healthier food and not stay up so late and wake up so early. But for now I am just downing orange juice and getting some rest, even with all the other things I should be doing right now. Scotty is off work this week for fall break so he will be home to help me get better. I love having him home, we are so busy and usually our schedules overlap so we don't see each other till night time when we are both tired. I love Saturdays when we can wake up and spend the day together or go for a morning surf. I just love that boy, and even though a week off work will effect the paycheck, I love we'll be able to eat dinner together again! Hope you all are healthy and have a better start to your week than I am!
P.S. Scotty did his first post yesterday, everyone encourage him so he will help me update sometimes haha
feel better and tell your mom when you are sick!